Shortics - why?

Hello short-story-lover! Or maybe you do not exactly love them - but find that you need them any way?! Or ... you are just a little polite because you know me and have to say you looked at my page before next time we hear from each other;-) It is not necessary, I promise! But thank you, my friend!

I did not think about it much but I found out recently that I love them - and I am going to find out if I have any inside my head while letting my fingers run over the keyboard... We'll see.. I have some times tried some poetry - in my own sweet language - the recent months on Vila i Frid - and the new page -Novellodikt.

Short stories and poetry - anything poetic or from my imagination and thoughts - will enjoy each others company on this site. Please, comment, I do not know English very well so I will not be offended if you tell me about my faults and errors;-) On the contrary - I will thank you for it! Ok - let's start!

onsdag 25 januari 2012

A calm sea does not make...

Idea from the African proverb: "A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor."
The story language is ment to be a little childish;-)

Three nice mice - at sea

Three nice mice
Were asking for advice
They wanted far to go
It might be to Bordeaux!

They had to get some oars
and boats they needed so
the sea was good for travel
but they didn't want to row!

A sail or two
or three to be exact.
A little one to hide away
but easy to extract

"Where are the boats for us?
we need them such as thus:
a timy one for Timmy,
a bigger one for Jimmy,
and the biggest one there are
for Big Minnie with guitar!"

"The harbour!" said young Timmy,
A big Boat Sale for you and we!!!
I found a shaky tiny one!
I mend it, and it's done, oh yee!"

"I found a bigger thing!
the best for me to bring
the sail on top is red
I love it, Jimmy said."

"The biggest is for me to own!
I want the better, larger zone.
I never have the slightest fear,
Big Minnie is the smartest here!"

They paid and packed and had their boats
They struggled with their things like goats
The sea was wet and blue and big
well suited for some little brig.

"Well, let us do the travel now!
Big Minnie said with humble bow.
You start! You are the littlest mice
I beat you to the French coast twice!

Experience my big lake gave
and here's the same - not any wave!
I know how take advantage from
my dear but not so clever Mum.

She wanted me to wait for win'
but how on earth will I fit in?
I want to play and have some sun
while sails are doing all the fun!

This place is mine and where you go
to win the race I wouldn't know.
The windy place where you were born
I could if I had time to mourn,

be sad, when now  I see you fly
blowing in the wind so high.
Wait, wait! Where did you go so fast?
I think I come to France - but last!"
(448 words)

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